Whilst loitering at a swank Clarendon coffee-hole. The following nerve-gratingly trendy trendster strolled in.
Yep, a hipster.
So, this whole trend is what, 5 or 6 years old now, at least? Budda on a fucking goat, when will this trend stop? WHEN?
Skinny jeans, womens blouses, scarves, dorky glasses. GET OFF MY LAWN YOU G-DDAMN KIDS!!!
Pick a different trend: dress like a NASA engineer from the early 60's, or the Amish. Whatever.
To recap: Hipsters fucking annoy me.
So, this whole trend is what, 5 or 6 years old now, at least? Budda on a fucking goat, when will this trend stop? WHEN?
Skinny jeans, womens blouses, scarves, dorky glasses. GET OFF MY LAWN YOU G-DDAMN KIDS!!!
Pick a different trend: dress like a NASA engineer from the early 60's, or the Amish. Whatever.
To recap: Hipsters fucking annoy me.
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